Time is... Hard to do this, really, face the question and you'll see it for yourself. You might say time is seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades,centuries, millenia, yada yada, but all these are simply units to measure time, something - I might add - we don't understand. I like the concept of Quantum Mechanics about the Multiverses... Every event we do moves us into a new multiverse and all the infinite number of multiverses co-exist (don't ask me where...). Some of us, like me for instance (no bragging), seem to have a completely slow frame of time where, we (I haven't met many like me...) seem to have all the time in the world. It takes little time to do things which others take longer(now, here, the means of measurement is the standard one...). So, seems like we all live in different timelines but yet share the same space in the space-time continuum. Fine, enough technicalities, I'll jump into the real thing now...
They say Time is Money. Wouldn't that mean everyone of us is so rich?? I beg to differ on this issue... It's akin to comparing apples to oranges. Money (I have some insightful perspectives on that, which I'll be sharing shortly...) is the complete anti-thesis of time in my view. If you care about money, you can't respect the fact that, you have time and if you respect time, you don't care about money. Of course, everyone has the right to do what they like with their time, it's the stealing I'm not comfortable about... Hell, you go throw all your own time down the drain, I don't care, but you have no right to someone else's time. I'm sure most would agree to this. I simply mean that, you cannot waste others' time. Well, this happens to me a lot, of course, I'm always at the recieving end (I recieve the abuse, not others' time, mind you...). No, I'm not pointing at someone in particular and yes, I hate it when people do that. Seriously, if I ever get a chance to do that, trust me, I'm gonna pass. I can't do something to others that I hate so much myself. Fine, I'm sure got my point through.
Bottom Line : (nice idea na?) Do what you want to do with your own time, don't waste others'.
P.S. : A GRE score doesn't change a person. I'm still what I was (almost, that is..), and please stop treating me like an Alien (no offense, of course, it's just that, it's freaking me out...).
Stay Cool!!