Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blog Action Day - Climate Change

Dated: 15 October, 2009

Blog Action Day: An awesome idea! I just wanna congratulate the person who had this idea. Anyway, I don't wanna waste post-space by writing an elaborate eulogy for the idea; I'm supposed to be writing about climate change. I'll have you know that, I'm no meteorologist to be able to give you hard numbers and other stats than can corroborate my views. I'd like to deal with my personal experiences with climate change and hope people understand it better and try to do something about it.

Anyway, here comes. I still remember that, when I was a kid, the seasons used to be in time, as opposed to now, seriously, it is October and yet, the sun is as hard as it would be in mid-summer. And rains. It's been quite a few years since it rained in time of monsoon. (who'm I kidding?? this isn't the kind of stuff I'm good at explaining...). Anyway, let me do something I am good at: use semantics to do what I like. And yes, I even looked up the Oxford Dictionary for any connotations and viola! Climate can also mean "prevailing trend of opinion or feeling", so here I am, all set to do something so easy. Anyway, no offense to the guys at the "Blog Action Day" who are trying to make the world a better place to live in, but then, so am I; I'm trying to make the world a better place to live in by dissecting the kind of "climatic changes" like I see them, like I said before, I'm no meteorologist to talk about the stuff like temperature, humidity and stuff. This is just a new perspective on "climatic changes". Anyway, while I'm at it, I'm supposed to give this link someplace in the blog: Don't bother visiting it or anything, just a formality.

So, climatic change, huh? Well, there is an almost constant change of climate (from here on, climate will only mean "prevailing trend of opinion or feeling") in our homes, schools and everywhere around us. Sometimes we call it generation gap, sometimes something else. Whatever we say, our parents (why, sometimes even our elder siblings) can never understand why we listen to Rock, watch movies or even why we hang out with friends. This reminds me of something Shakespeare or someone else once said: "Love is one of the most beautiful thing you can experience, until it happens to your daughter" :P. Anyway, this is one of the things (climate) that hasn't changed since then, some respite! But then, like one of my favorite Professor says "Change is the only constant." and life would be dull. (I do realize that I'm just blabbering something without even thinking about it... :P). Anyway, I have no more thoughts because I have this lab internal tomorrow (today) and gotta prep for it... Hope the "Blog Action Day" people don't mind this (like they'd even care, for my post, that is... :P).

And of course, a great idea, keep it going :).



  1. dude....!!
    "Love is one of the most beautiful thing you can experience, until it happens to your daughter" pretty cool lines, i dunno whether these words r by shakespeare r someone else....
    but they sound like this is not MUNAF(as far as i know u)..
    And ya you are really gud at semantics...:)

  2. i'm lost at whether to take this comment positively or otherwise crtsy: "i dunno whether these words r by shakespeare r someone else....
    but they sound like this is not MUNAF(as far as i know u).", anyway, being my sanguine self, thank you for your appreciation kasyap.. :)
