The conventions:
These are the words spoken by someone else.
These are my thoughts.
There are my actual words.
Feb 1, IST 0600 Hrs - Location: Home
I woke up and freshened up. I had a perfectly dorky pair of pants and slightly less dorky shirt ready to be worn to the college that day, not to mention, a perfectly dorky pair of shoes too. (No more details about clothing. :P). Anyway, to keep the shirt from getting a full one on the road, I wore my jacket too, which I might add, added a lot of physical weight in my bag on me later in the day. Well, no breakfast on that day - all I wanted was to be on time in the college.
Feb 1, IST 0815 Hrs - Location: Ghulam Ahmed Auditorium
In Ghulam Ahmed Hall - the seminar hall where the pre-placement talk was about to take place. On a separate note, the reason given by our placement cell for the lateness of the Placements was that, this hall was under renovation. I don't think there could've been a lamer excuse. Let's continue. There I was, going through my Resume, and trying to recollect what I actually did during the past 3 and a half years. It included me being a(n Active) member of the IEEE Student Chapter of my college and such stuff that you can only put on a Resume.
Thus started the pre-placement talk by one of the HR Managers from Infy (easier to type, you see... :P). He started telling us about the history, present and features of Infy in excruciating detail (much like what I'm doing now... :P). This ended about an hour later and we were all fleeted off to the classrooms where the Aptitude Test was to be conducted.
Feb 1, IST 1040 Hrs - Location: Room No. 5406, Block 5, MJCET
Seated in the Exam Center (just another of our classrooms...). The skinny guy who was standing on the dais was supposed to be the invigilator. He was giving all kinds of instructions about how to fill in the forms supplied to us. C'mon, when's this gonna end, huh? We were instructed as if we were kids, let's move on. The funniest thing he told us was : "Please write in capslock!". I laughed out at that. Fine, the test ended without many events, not for me at least.
Feb 1, IST 1200 Hrs - Location: MJCET Front Canteen
Post the exam. My room was apparently the first one to start (and thereby end) the test. I had to wait for about 30 minutes for all of my friends to be out of their respective "Exam Halls". Our regular hang out: under the big tree (I dunno what kind it is...) in front of the front canteen in our college. Well, you can imagine how hungry I must've been mainly because of no breakfast. We got like a hundred samosas each (not literally... :P) and a couple of Pepsi pets and had a blast. Everyone was discussing the paper and speculating whether or not they would clear the paper. I was saying the very words that'd become my war-cry for the day: "No comments on my performance until I see the end result. :|" (And why, you might ask. Refer to The Uncertainty Principle). We saw virtually everthing you can see before an interview. One of my classmates was learning by-heart the answers he'd give to the HR Manager. Another was getting fresh copies of his Resume. We? We were just trying to pass time by laughing at people and cutting some of the most clichéd of our jokes.
IST 1400 Hrs - Location: Ghulam Ahmed Auditorium
The D-Time. The results of the aptitude test were due at 1330 Hrs but as usual, the timeline got blown. We were all seated in the auditorium and expecting something like the results being pasted as a sheet on the walls or something like that. But to our surprise and horror, the Placements Officer started calling out names of people who cleared the first round.
Fine, please keep quiet!! I have here a list of people who cleared the aptitude test. It is a partial list and whoever's name has been called must go and stand in the back. And keep your clapping for later.
Yeah, he's punishing the people who got through the aptitude test! :P
Then he started calling out the names in the first list - some 30-35 people I guess. I guess, because, my heart was in my throat looking to see if my name was on the list. There wasn't even a proper order (like department wise etc.) and it was a hair-raising thriller of a list. At the end of the list only two of my group went over to the interviews. I was all like, damn! I didn't get through. Then, about half an hour later came the second and apparently the final list.
OK, I have the final list here with me. The total number of candidates who qualified is 125. just a hundred and twenty five?!?!? Damn, the cut-off must've been hideously high. Fingers crossed, let's hope we get through. I'll read out the names and please go stand in the back.
4095 Munaf Hussain Shaik (My actual roll number is 4094) Did he say 4095?!?!?! But he called my name right? Can I go to the back?
Feb 1, IST 1440 Hrs - Location: In the back
There I was, finally clear of the aptitude test. All around me, people were taking out neck-ties out of their pockets and bags and I dunno where else (much akin to the magic tricks :P). Why did I not wear a tie? Well, my neck was too thick to put the top button of my shirt, that was the major reason. Either ways, I wasn't going to try something so new that day mostly because I was not used to carry a tie. Well, still confused about the discrepancy in the roll number, I left the hall for the 6th floor of Block 5, MJCET.
Feb 1, IST 1530 Hrs - Location: Room No. Something, 6th Floor, Block 5, MJCET
A total of about 125 people crammed into a single room (at least, that was what I thought at first glance.). There were actually two rooms for all of us. Going there, I found that a batch of people had been cattled away for the interviews. And the group consisted of the two friends of mine who were called in the "first list". My hands were all cold, and sweaty, I dunno why. Whatever one might say, getting a decent placement was my last ditch fall-back. For a last ditch fall-back, I was taking it a tad too seriously. Anyway, I was soon quarantined by taking me and seating about 20 of us in the adjacent room. The organizing guys had our aptitude test papers in their hands and one couldn't resist the temptation to try and find out how many one had scored. But, talk about being super secretive, these people were hiding the paper as if they were some national security issue. End of the wait and the 20 of us were guided out and to the next level.
Feb 1, IST 1620 Hrs - Location: Room No. 5402, Block 5, MJCET
Well, it ain't easy to be ready for your first time (yes, pun intended :P). This was the very first time in my life that I was gonna take on some real HR guy face to face. The preceding hour or something is just hell. And when I was heading to be seated in my room, one of the guys of the first list (my friend) was just out of the interview.
Kaisa gaya re?? (How'd it go??)
Dum tha baap!! (Was a pain!)
Kya puchra?? (What's he asking??)
Pura Resume pe ich puchra. Mereku project and mini project ke baare me dum kara. (He's just sticking to the Resume. He asked me a lot about my projects and mini-projects.)
I was freaked! Damn! My Resume was something I wasn't prepared to talk about. But then, there is only so much you can do when you know there's very little time left for the interview. I went and got seated in the second bench and there was this talkative guy. If there's something in this world that freaks me out before I'm gonna give an interview, it is people who like to hear themselves speak. He was seated beside this friend of mine.
...what are those things on CDs called? Those round things. I know they are called something, what?
Sectors. They are called sectors.
Yeah, right!! I'm totally surprised at my clearing the aptitude test. Like I wanna know that. The verbal section was out of this world. It wasn't for me. (not sarcastic). Especially for me because I did not write any competitive exam, ever.
He was looking back at my Resume.
You are Munaf Hussain? Your aptitude is high, is it? What the hell are you talking about?? Hey, you guys said you looked up answers from someone, right? Who was it?? (Directed towards my friend, the one beside him. For which he said someone else's name). Yeah, I have a **** on my GRE and a *** on my TOEFL, I'm sure I could be the guy with the high aptitude.
There we are sitting and everyone else save about 4 of us are being called to submit their Resumes, Certs and stuff. The only ones left are me, the talkative guy, one of my classmates, and a stranger in some real contrasting pair of clothes. Then the talkative guy walks out and comes back in a few minutes.
I just went and talked to one of the organizers and requested to send me to an easy HR. I'm real freaked out. Hope he obliges to my request.
Why would you ever do that??
Then, finally, the talkative guy was called and was interviewed for a long time, i guess. Then I was called along with the classmate of mine. We were both made to wait in the corridors and were instructed not to make a peep (as in a sound.. :P).
Feb 1, IST 1710 Hrs - Location: Floor 4 , Block 5 , MJCET
Well, both of us waiting and then comes the guy to collect our Resumes. He staples the Resume to the aptitude test paper and I try to steal a glance for my score, but it's hard. Then, he calls on the guy with me and takes him into one of the interview rooms. I'm all alone in the corridor and all the HRs are busy taking interviews. I get taken to the 2nd room and wait there for about 10 minutes. Then, out comes the talkative guy from the room across the one I'm waiting at. He's all smiles. Hope I get out all smiles too.
I get called over to the same room as the talkative guy came out of. The HR is busy on his phone and I'm told to wait outside. Wow! This must be the easy HR guy. Let's not get too cocky and keep cool. The HR is literally shouting into the phone and I'm like Speak into the phone, dude. I'm sure the guy on the other side can hear you either ways, though. And after about 10 people walking past me to the waiting room and 10 more painful minutes during which time I noticed I had sweaty palms and cold hands, I was told to get in. I had wiped my palms on my shirt and gotten them dry by that time.
Feb 1, IST 1730 Hrs - Location: Room No. 5401, Block 5, MJCET
I enter. The HR is still busy on the phone - he's literally shouting at the person on the other end.
Good Evening sir. He nods and offers me his hand. Haath kya dera miyan? (Why are you giving me your hand?) I wasn't gonna shake hands but there's hardly anything you can do when he offers his hand. I give him a firm hand-shake and May I sit, sir? He nods again and I get seated. The arrangement is as far as you can get from the ideal interview arrangement. Two benches (yes, the ones we sit on in classes) are placed face to face. Damn! Now he can totally see my body language. Gotta be cool and stick to the basics.
At long last, he hangs up on the phone. He picks up my set of papers (Application, Aptitude test answer sheet and my Resume.) and goes through what seems like each and every word.
Kitta padtha bhai, bas hai. kuch tho bi puch. (How much'll you read dude. Ask something) Ab puchta dekho "Tell me about yourself." bolke. (Now, he's gonna ask me "Tell me about yourself."). I wasn't so prepared to take that question though.
What did you learn at this Defense Electronics Seminar?
Damn! I did not know he would ask this!!
I learned about the various communication protocols used in the military and other things such as unmanned vehicles and stuff (I actually said stuff :P).
Where do you think all those things can be used?
When I join the Army! Well, there wasn't much new to learn there sir. Those were the protocols that are already being used in the military. They are tried and tested.
That's fine. What do you want to do using this knowledge?
I'd rather not have attended that damn seminar! I didn't even pay much attention there. Due to their stable nature, I'd like to make use of those protocols and systems in regular civilian systems and make life simpler for people. He kept asking for more - aan, aan...Aur kitta bolna chicha...itta bola, bas nai hai? (How much more do you expect me to explain? I've said enough.) I just kept quiet.
OK, tell me about your final year project. I did. These details are pretty gore and I'd rather not put them here. But, I somehow managed to convince him that it wasn't the worst project in the world.
Hmm...what did you do in these events er, Adsophos and others? Don't tell me what you were supposed to do, tell me what you actually did.
Apan kabhi kuch kare? (When did we ever do something??)
I organized a quiz when in my 3rd year and did itto my satisfaction. I also organized a er, what was the event? (I actually asked the question!) yeah, a hardware design contest.
What do you mean - to your satisfaction?
Aisich bhauth bolthe bhai....lite lena. (We say all these sort of things dude, don't hang on to them.)
Well, er, the turn up was good and I managed to conduct the event without any goof-ups.
Why do you think the turn-up was high?
It wasn't, dude. I'm just faking. Well, i guess it was probably because of the catchy posters I designed.
Tell me something catchy from those posters.
There was nothing catchy to tell from those posters sir, I said they looked catchy.
Oh, OK. How do you know the posters were catchy?
The turn-up mostly, and I even asked a couple of participants as to why they chose this event, and got a similar feedback. Yeah, like any event organizer does that.
He was impressed and I was not complaining.
Good. What do you mean by this? "Active" member of IEEE student chapter. What did you do as an "Active member"??
Arey yaar! Har koi aisich likhta! Khaali member bolke likhe tho kya acha dikhta?? (Dude, everyone writes the same, no point in writing just member.)
As an active member, I try to make my juniors realize the beauties of real engineering. What's happening nowadays is, people join engineering just for the brand name. I strive to make them like engineering and stay on the cutting edge by joining IEEE.
How do you do that?
I show students interesting articles from the IEEE Spectrum magazine and try to cultivate real interest towards engineering.
How many people have you recruited into this IEEE?
About 50 people I guess. yeah, the total membership of IEEE in our college is about 70 and I made the chapter (sarcastic).
Good! Hmmm...Your hobbies are Reading Books, Blogging...(reading from my Resume) How many books have you read?
Puchliya? Chal ab letun mai teri!! (Good thing you asked me. Now, I'll take a session!)
I dunno the exact number sir, I have read a lot though.
Give me a number.
Ab kitte pada ki ginlethe baiththe?? (Who counts the number of books they've read?)
I'd venture a guess at about a hundred, hundred and fifty. That is like half the books I read.
*Wide-eyed look*. Which is your favorite book?
There are many yaar, ab kya bolun?
The Catcher in the Rye sir.
I repeat.
What do you like about that book?
I start off...It describes the angst of a teenage boy...blah...blah...blah...Kuch samajhme tho bi aara?? (Are you even able to understand anything??)
What was the title again?
The catcher in the rye sir.
Yes, sir. In the Rye. R-Y-E Rye.
Do you have that book?
Kaiku? Ab padinge bi tum?
Yes, I do sir.
OK. Do you have any questions...
Paagal hogaya? Interview kon kiska lera bhai?
About Infosys?
No sir, I have gone through the website and have a good idea of what to expect when I get there. Yeah, right. Like I have no other business.
Good! You may go, thank you.
Mereku thanks kaiku bolra bhai?? (Why are you thanking me??)
Thank you sir.
At the end, the HR was all smiles, I dunno why. I suspected that he may have seen right through me and understood that I was faking some of the stuff. We shook hands and I left, confused.
Feb 1, IST 1815 Hrs - Location: Some room on the second floor.
Here were all the people who had faced the interviews. And then came the toughest part - the wait. We were trying to ease our tensions by cracking jokes, taking pics and stuff. Then came the HR guy from Infosys, the one who gave the seminar in the morning, and gave us all a piece of his mind for making a big ruckus and apparently, we were audible even in the 5th floor. Then came the biggest surprise package. Some of us were being called for 2nd interviews. We were like, what the heck? Although I wasn't called, a friend of mine was. We were discussing all sorts of stuff, about whether or not each of us was gonna get selected and stuff and I was all like No comments on my performance until I see the end result. :|. Well, the 2nd interview calls continued until about 9 in the night and each and every one of the group was exhausted. After all, 12 hours on just a couple of samosas isn't so easy :P.
Feb 1, IST 2150 Hrs - Location: the same room.
In came the head HR and our Placement Officer. The HR had the "list" in his hands. He started off.
Okay, it was a tiresome day for all of us. Let us get it over with. I have here the list of selected candidates. Please keep your cheers, claps and celebrations for later.
And the list came to an end with a total of 77 people (technically). My name wasn't called and I was a teeny bit dejected. One of my friends was also not selected.
Now, I want all the Infoscions to stay here and all the best for all of you others for other placements. And some stuff about joining Infosys later.
We made it to the parking lot and went home and left all our friends to celebrate. I wasn't so dejected though, because I wasn't gonna work there anyway. And resolved never to lie in an interview and also to make some changes in my Resume.
Feb 3, IST 1647 Hrs - Location: Home
I was online on my Gmail mailbox and just received a mail from our Placements Officer. It said something about some lost items in the room where the result was announced. Out of sheer habit, I looked through the list of mail recipients. The list was pretty weird. All the people in the list were the ones whose names were actually called in the final announced list. My name was on that too. I was shocked. I thought "Lite, must've been some mistake." and went out with my friend. Later, i returned home and found another mail from the Placement Officer. It explicitly said:
Dear Mr. Munaf
You have been selected in Infosys campus placements
I was shocked and tried to find my Placement Officer's phone number but, couldn't. I went on Facebook and asked one of my friends if she had the number and she said:
You are selected into Infosys. I saw the list today and your name was on it. I informed the Placement Officer and he said he'll mail you.
I was elated. I thanked her profusely and still tried to confirm it. I only informed a couple of my closest friends and my family. Facebook status could wait - I still needed to talk to my Placements Officer and confirm. Apparently, the HR guy had skipped my name while reading out the names. I dunno how that guy can be so careless.
By the way, I'd like to thank my friend here again for taking the time to inform the Placement Officer and later, me. Thanks a lot. (I don't use names on my blog, I hope you don't mind, no offense.)
Feb 4, IST 1020 Hrs - Location: Placements Office, MJCET
I met the Placements Officer and confirmed and looked over the list too, only to find my name right on the list. I was happy again!!
Now, for those who did not make it this time. First thing: I know exactly how it feels to be so dejected. I was so for over 2 days. All I believed was that there always is something bigger and better waiting for you. All the Best!! Cheers!!
Somehow, all ended happily - Thank God!!
P.S.: Seems like I've made up for my long absence on the blog by writing this long a post :P. Now, I'm free, real free, as in freedom!!
P.P.S.: All the best to everyone attending placements!! Also people taking GATE.
Thus started the pre-placement talk by one of the HR Managers from Infy (easier to type, you see... :P). He started telling us about the history, present and features of Infy in excruciating detail (much like what I'm doing now... :P). This ended about an hour later and we were all fleeted off to the classrooms where the Aptitude Test was to be conducted.
Feb 1, IST 1040 Hrs - Location: Room No. 5406, Block 5, MJCET
Seated in the Exam Center (just another of our classrooms...). The skinny guy who was standing on the dais was supposed to be the invigilator. He was giving all kinds of instructions about how to fill in the forms supplied to us. C'mon, when's this gonna end, huh? We were instructed as if we were kids, let's move on. The funniest thing he told us was : "Please write in capslock!". I laughed out at that. Fine, the test ended without many events, not for me at least.
Feb 1, IST 1200 Hrs - Location: MJCET Front Canteen
Post the exam. My room was apparently the first one to start (and thereby end) the test. I had to wait for about 30 minutes for all of my friends to be out of their respective "Exam Halls". Our regular hang out: under the big tree (I dunno what kind it is...) in front of the front canteen in our college. Well, you can imagine how hungry I must've been mainly because of no breakfast. We got like a hundred samosas each (not literally... :P) and a couple of Pepsi pets and had a blast. Everyone was discussing the paper and speculating whether or not they would clear the paper. I was saying the very words that'd become my war-cry for the day: "No comments on my performance until I see the end result. :|" (And why, you might ask. Refer to The Uncertainty Principle). We saw virtually everthing you can see before an interview. One of my classmates was learning by-heart the answers he'd give to the HR Manager. Another was getting fresh copies of his Resume. We? We were just trying to pass time by laughing at people and cutting some of the most clichéd of our jokes.
IST 1400 Hrs - Location: Ghulam Ahmed Auditorium
The D-Time. The results of the aptitude test were due at 1330 Hrs but as usual, the timeline got blown. We were all seated in the auditorium and expecting something like the results being pasted as a sheet on the walls or something like that. But to our surprise and horror, the Placements Officer started calling out names of people who cleared the first round.
Fine, please keep quiet!! I have here a list of people who cleared the aptitude test. It is a partial list and whoever's name has been called must go and stand in the back. And keep your clapping for later.
Yeah, he's punishing the people who got through the aptitude test! :P
Then he started calling out the names in the first list - some 30-35 people I guess. I guess, because, my heart was in my throat looking to see if my name was on the list. There wasn't even a proper order (like department wise etc.) and it was a hair-raising thriller of a list. At the end of the list only two of my group went over to the interviews. I was all like, damn! I didn't get through. Then, about half an hour later came the second and apparently the final list.
OK, I have the final list here with me. The total number of candidates who qualified is 125. just a hundred and twenty five?!?!? Damn, the cut-off must've been hideously high. Fingers crossed, let's hope we get through. I'll read out the names and please go stand in the back.
4095 Munaf Hussain Shaik (My actual roll number is 4094) Did he say 4095?!?!?! But he called my name right? Can I go to the back?
Feb 1, IST 1440 Hrs - Location: In the back
There I was, finally clear of the aptitude test. All around me, people were taking out neck-ties out of their pockets and bags and I dunno where else (much akin to the magic tricks :P). Why did I not wear a tie? Well, my neck was too thick to put the top button of my shirt, that was the major reason. Either ways, I wasn't going to try something so new that day mostly because I was not used to carry a tie. Well, still confused about the discrepancy in the roll number, I left the hall for the 6th floor of Block 5, MJCET.
Feb 1, IST 1530 Hrs - Location: Room No. Something, 6th Floor, Block 5, MJCET
A total of about 125 people crammed into a single room (at least, that was what I thought at first glance.). There were actually two rooms for all of us. Going there, I found that a batch of people had been cattled away for the interviews. And the group consisted of the two friends of mine who were called in the "first list". My hands were all cold, and sweaty, I dunno why. Whatever one might say, getting a decent placement was my last ditch fall-back. For a last ditch fall-back, I was taking it a tad too seriously. Anyway, I was soon quarantined by taking me and seating about 20 of us in the adjacent room. The organizing guys had our aptitude test papers in their hands and one couldn't resist the temptation to try and find out how many one had scored. But, talk about being super secretive, these people were hiding the paper as if they were some national security issue. End of the wait and the 20 of us were guided out and to the next level.
Feb 1, IST 1620 Hrs - Location: Room No. 5402, Block 5, MJCET
Well, it ain't easy to be ready for your first time (yes, pun intended :P). This was the very first time in my life that I was gonna take on some real HR guy face to face. The preceding hour or something is just hell. And when I was heading to be seated in my room, one of the guys of the first list (my friend) was just out of the interview.
Kaisa gaya re?? (How'd it go??)
Dum tha baap!! (Was a pain!)
Kya puchra?? (What's he asking??)
Pura Resume pe ich puchra. Mereku project and mini project ke baare me dum kara. (He's just sticking to the Resume. He asked me a lot about my projects and mini-projects.)
I was freaked! Damn! My Resume was something I wasn't prepared to talk about. But then, there is only so much you can do when you know there's very little time left for the interview. I went and got seated in the second bench and there was this talkative guy. If there's something in this world that freaks me out before I'm gonna give an interview, it is people who like to hear themselves speak. He was seated beside this friend of mine.
...what are those things on CDs called? Those round things. I know they are called something, what?
Sectors. They are called sectors.
Yeah, right!! I'm totally surprised at my clearing the aptitude test. Like I wanna know that. The verbal section was out of this world. It wasn't for me. (not sarcastic). Especially for me because I did not write any competitive exam, ever.
He was looking back at my Resume.
You are Munaf Hussain? Your aptitude is high, is it? What the hell are you talking about?? Hey, you guys said you looked up answers from someone, right? Who was it?? (Directed towards my friend, the one beside him. For which he said someone else's name). Yeah, I have a **** on my GRE and a *** on my TOEFL, I'm sure I could be the guy with the high aptitude.
There we are sitting and everyone else save about 4 of us are being called to submit their Resumes, Certs and stuff. The only ones left are me, the talkative guy, one of my classmates, and a stranger in some real contrasting pair of clothes. Then the talkative guy walks out and comes back in a few minutes.
I just went and talked to one of the organizers and requested to send me to an easy HR. I'm real freaked out. Hope he obliges to my request.
Why would you ever do that??
Then, finally, the talkative guy was called and was interviewed for a long time, i guess. Then I was called along with the classmate of mine. We were both made to wait in the corridors and were instructed not to make a peep (as in a sound.. :P).
Feb 1, IST 1710 Hrs - Location: Floor 4 , Block 5 , MJCET
Well, both of us waiting and then comes the guy to collect our Resumes. He staples the Resume to the aptitude test paper and I try to steal a glance for my score, but it's hard. Then, he calls on the guy with me and takes him into one of the interview rooms. I'm all alone in the corridor and all the HRs are busy taking interviews. I get taken to the 2nd room and wait there for about 10 minutes. Then, out comes the talkative guy from the room across the one I'm waiting at. He's all smiles. Hope I get out all smiles too.
I get called over to the same room as the talkative guy came out of. The HR is busy on his phone and I'm told to wait outside. Wow! This must be the easy HR guy. Let's not get too cocky and keep cool. The HR is literally shouting into the phone and I'm like Speak into the phone, dude. I'm sure the guy on the other side can hear you either ways, though. And after about 10 people walking past me to the waiting room and 10 more painful minutes during which time I noticed I had sweaty palms and cold hands, I was told to get in. I had wiped my palms on my shirt and gotten them dry by that time.
Feb 1, IST 1730 Hrs - Location: Room No. 5401, Block 5, MJCET
I enter. The HR is still busy on the phone - he's literally shouting at the person on the other end.
Good Evening sir. He nods and offers me his hand. Haath kya dera miyan? (Why are you giving me your hand?) I wasn't gonna shake hands but there's hardly anything you can do when he offers his hand. I give him a firm hand-shake and May I sit, sir? He nods again and I get seated. The arrangement is as far as you can get from the ideal interview arrangement. Two benches (yes, the ones we sit on in classes) are placed face to face. Damn! Now he can totally see my body language. Gotta be cool and stick to the basics.
At long last, he hangs up on the phone. He picks up my set of papers (Application, Aptitude test answer sheet and my Resume.) and goes through what seems like each and every word.
Kitta padtha bhai, bas hai. kuch tho bi puch. (How much'll you read dude. Ask something) Ab puchta dekho "Tell me about yourself." bolke. (Now, he's gonna ask me "Tell me about yourself."). I wasn't so prepared to take that question though.
What did you learn at this Defense Electronics Seminar?
Damn! I did not know he would ask this!!
I learned about the various communication protocols used in the military and other things such as unmanned vehicles and stuff (I actually said stuff :P).
Where do you think all those things can be used?
When I join the Army! Well, there wasn't much new to learn there sir. Those were the protocols that are already being used in the military. They are tried and tested.
That's fine. What do you want to do using this knowledge?
I'd rather not have attended that damn seminar! I didn't even pay much attention there. Due to their stable nature, I'd like to make use of those protocols and systems in regular civilian systems and make life simpler for people. He kept asking for more - aan, aan...Aur kitta bolna chicha...itta bola, bas nai hai? (How much more do you expect me to explain? I've said enough.) I just kept quiet.
OK, tell me about your final year project. I did. These details are pretty gore and I'd rather not put them here. But, I somehow managed to convince him that it wasn't the worst project in the world.
Hmm...what did you do in these events er, Adsophos and others? Don't tell me what you were supposed to do, tell me what you actually did.
Apan kabhi kuch kare? (When did we ever do something??)
I organized a quiz when in my 3rd year and did itto my satisfaction. I also organized a er, what was the event? (I actually asked the question!) yeah, a hardware design contest.
What do you mean - to your satisfaction?
Aisich bhauth bolthe bhai....lite lena. (We say all these sort of things dude, don't hang on to them.)
Well, er, the turn up was good and I managed to conduct the event without any goof-ups.
Why do you think the turn-up was high?
It wasn't, dude. I'm just faking. Well, i guess it was probably because of the catchy posters I designed.
Tell me something catchy from those posters.
There was nothing catchy to tell from those posters sir, I said they looked catchy.
Oh, OK. How do you know the posters were catchy?
The turn-up mostly, and I even asked a couple of participants as to why they chose this event, and got a similar feedback. Yeah, like any event organizer does that.
He was impressed and I was not complaining.
Good. What do you mean by this? "Active" member of IEEE student chapter. What did you do as an "Active member"??
Arey yaar! Har koi aisich likhta! Khaali member bolke likhe tho kya acha dikhta?? (Dude, everyone writes the same, no point in writing just member.)
As an active member, I try to make my juniors realize the beauties of real engineering. What's happening nowadays is, people join engineering just for the brand name. I strive to make them like engineering and stay on the cutting edge by joining IEEE.
How do you do that?
I show students interesting articles from the IEEE Spectrum magazine and try to cultivate real interest towards engineering.
How many people have you recruited into this IEEE?
About 50 people I guess. yeah, the total membership of IEEE in our college is about 70 and I made the chapter (sarcastic).
Good! Hmmm...Your hobbies are Reading Books, Blogging...(reading from my Resume) How many books have you read?
Puchliya? Chal ab letun mai teri!! (Good thing you asked me. Now, I'll take a session!)
I dunno the exact number sir, I have read a lot though.
Give me a number.
Ab kitte pada ki ginlethe baiththe?? (Who counts the number of books they've read?)
I'd venture a guess at about a hundred, hundred and fifty. That is like half the books I read.
*Wide-eyed look*. Which is your favorite book?
There are many yaar, ab kya bolun?
The Catcher in the Rye sir.
I repeat.
What do you like about that book?
I start off...It describes the angst of a teenage boy...blah...blah...blah...Kuch samajhme tho bi aara?? (Are you even able to understand anything??)
What was the title again?
The catcher in the rye sir.
Yes, sir. In the Rye. R-Y-E Rye.
Do you have that book?
Kaiku? Ab padinge bi tum?
Yes, I do sir.
OK. Do you have any questions...
Paagal hogaya? Interview kon kiska lera bhai?
About Infosys?
No sir, I have gone through the website and have a good idea of what to expect when I get there. Yeah, right. Like I have no other business.
Good! You may go, thank you.
Mereku thanks kaiku bolra bhai?? (Why are you thanking me??)
Thank you sir.
At the end, the HR was all smiles, I dunno why. I suspected that he may have seen right through me and understood that I was faking some of the stuff. We shook hands and I left, confused.
Feb 1, IST 1815 Hrs - Location: Some room on the second floor.
Here were all the people who had faced the interviews. And then came the toughest part - the wait. We were trying to ease our tensions by cracking jokes, taking pics and stuff. Then came the HR guy from Infosys, the one who gave the seminar in the morning, and gave us all a piece of his mind for making a big ruckus and apparently, we were audible even in the 5th floor. Then came the biggest surprise package. Some of us were being called for 2nd interviews. We were like, what the heck? Although I wasn't called, a friend of mine was. We were discussing all sorts of stuff, about whether or not each of us was gonna get selected and stuff and I was all like No comments on my performance until I see the end result. :|. Well, the 2nd interview calls continued until about 9 in the night and each and every one of the group was exhausted. After all, 12 hours on just a couple of samosas isn't so easy :P.
Feb 1, IST 2150 Hrs - Location: the same room.
In came the head HR and our Placement Officer. The HR had the "list" in his hands. He started off.
Okay, it was a tiresome day for all of us. Let us get it over with. I have here the list of selected candidates. Please keep your cheers, claps and celebrations for later.
And the list came to an end with a total of 77 people (technically). My name wasn't called and I was a teeny bit dejected. One of my friends was also not selected.
Now, I want all the Infoscions to stay here and all the best for all of you others for other placements. And some stuff about joining Infosys later.
We made it to the parking lot and went home and left all our friends to celebrate. I wasn't so dejected though, because I wasn't gonna work there anyway. And resolved never to lie in an interview and also to make some changes in my Resume.
Feb 3, IST 1647 Hrs - Location: Home
I was online on my Gmail mailbox and just received a mail from our Placements Officer. It said something about some lost items in the room where the result was announced. Out of sheer habit, I looked through the list of mail recipients. The list was pretty weird. All the people in the list were the ones whose names were actually called in the final announced list. My name was on that too. I was shocked. I thought "Lite, must've been some mistake." and went out with my friend. Later, i returned home and found another mail from the Placement Officer. It explicitly said:
Dear Mr. Munaf
You have been selected in Infosys campus placements
I was shocked and tried to find my Placement Officer's phone number but, couldn't. I went on Facebook and asked one of my friends if she had the number and she said:
You are selected into Infosys. I saw the list today and your name was on it. I informed the Placement Officer and he said he'll mail you.
I was elated. I thanked her profusely and still tried to confirm it. I only informed a couple of my closest friends and my family. Facebook status could wait - I still needed to talk to my Placements Officer and confirm. Apparently, the HR guy had skipped my name while reading out the names. I dunno how that guy can be so careless.
By the way, I'd like to thank my friend here again for taking the time to inform the Placement Officer and later, me. Thanks a lot. (I don't use names on my blog, I hope you don't mind, no offense.)
Feb 4, IST 1020 Hrs - Location: Placements Office, MJCET
I met the Placements Officer and confirmed and looked over the list too, only to find my name right on the list. I was happy again!!
Now, for those who did not make it this time. First thing: I know exactly how it feels to be so dejected. I was so for over 2 days. All I believed was that there always is something bigger and better waiting for you. All the Best!! Cheers!!
Somehow, all ended happily - Thank God!!
P.S.: Seems like I've made up for my long absence on the blog by writing this long a post :P. Now, I'm free, real free, as in freedom!!
P.P.S.: All the best to everyone attending placements!! Also people taking GATE.