Saturday, October 31, 2009


Well, long time since the last post, but then, I'm a busy man :P : I gotta maintain my farm on Farmville, maintain my Mafia in Mafia Wars and of course, complete my quota of everyday's TV Series episodes (South park, Frasier, Numb3rs) and updating myself with all the bond films (right from the 60's). Yeah, I know what you are thinking. And yes, this is what people do when they have too much time to waste. In other related note, another semester has gone by and man! Are they fast! Never saw this semester come and go at all and miraculously, my attendance is not short!! You know, writing a blog is tough, take my word for it : for the past few days, every time I sit to write, I end up deferring in favor of other things. Why, just yesterday, I was about to start and I ended up going to a 2nd show movie (for the first time in my life, for all practical purposes) and thus denying my friends' claim that I was either (A) a studious guy or (B) I was something like Cinderella or something :P (midnight - magic dress etc...on those lines...). Anyway, in other unrelated notes, check out "She" by Elvis Costello (which I first heard recently) and "Woman" by John Lennon, they really inspire my feminist side. Anyway, seems like this semester's weird and abrupt end has brought out the philosopher in me and of course, you guessed it right, this is what this post is all about.Alright then, here goes.

Did you notice that sometimes, when you don't get what you want, you feel real bad. Yes, that's me, just stating the obvious (sometimes I feel I'm turning into one of my favorite words - cliché, I'm sure you'd have noticed this if you interact with me regularly.. :P). Alright, after stating the obvious, let's get to the less often occurring thing. Just reflect, how many of us think before wanting things - whether we deserve them or not. This occurs very often: one is carried away by the delusions of things around them and start to put a lot to one's store. If one were to think before hand, before wanting that is, if or not one deserves the thing they are wanting, it saves a lot of depression. I seem to have no good examples (bad ones, a lot...) for this up my sleeve, but I'm sure you'd understand. Anyway, succinctly put, what I'm trying to say is simple 

Desire only for what you deserve.

Now, let me biopsy the statement for you.First things first : the "you" reference. You see, you are the only person who would be able to decide this. Who better to decide what you deserve than yourself? Like Paulo Coelho says : "We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation." and someone else says "Don't judge me, because we're two different people, living in different worlds." No one knows you better than yourself and this is what I'm trying to put forth. Then let's get to the desire part. It is but human, to desire but then, it is also the root cause of all of man's problems. That was a bit too much of a funda, right? :P Anyway, this method of desiring only what you deserve is a completely tried and tested one (by me, of course...I don't go around collecting stats from people around me... ;)). Thing is, abstinence is what you could call stopping desiring unlimitedly. So, like I already mentioned, make your own example. And the pluses?? There are many, you don't get depressed for one thing. And whatever people might say, Life is fair and believe me, you only get what you deserve. Just like in Entanglement theories in Quantum Physics, even things you cannot connect at any level one can comprehend might be related and cause the equations to topple. Anyway, just had to put forth this thought of mine. And anyway, this comes mainly because of the marks I'm about to get in the internal examinations and I'm certainly keeping fingers crossed. I know what I deserve, do you??

Think about it. And I wish you all the best for you exams coming up, although there will be another post dedicated for that sometime this week :P.

G'Night, Sweet Dreams!!

P.S.: Please comment on my Philosopher side :P.

P.P.S.: Happy Halloween!! :)


  1. Nice message to pass on!!:)

    And got a real nice philosopher side, hehe:p...but well said:)

  2. Hey but there are times when one gotta desire a bit more than whats normal, without which few of the greatest scientific inventions till date might not have been might be an exception..give it a thought !!:D

  3. i agree with you pawan...but the thing is, desiring more is never a problem in scientific circles because, scientists and thinkers are by definition objective and practical people who know where to draw the line. If someone claims to be working on and building a time machine, it would be far fetched as per today's technologies and the guy could be pegged a psycho or something. And I haven't heard of many scientists who were/are not practical. With scientists, deserving something is pretty much synonymous with know one's limits and the limitations of the current trends in the technologies at their hand. Usually, what drives scientists is not desire, on the contrary. It is usually, the satisfaction that comes upon accomplishment of goals and the competition they face from all around the world. Desire plays a very small role in most scientific achievements, it is passion that drives most scientists. No scientist or the like *wants* to do something, they *need* to do it to quench their thirst for knowledge...

    I don't even know if I supported you or contradicted you, don't mind mama.. :)

    anyway, thanks for your views...

  4. Hey no! said it pretty well dude..and yea the satisfaction that comes after an such an accomplishment is something tht would be worth doing it for:)
