Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Don't mess with me!!

Well, seems like I've got a lot of time to waste now that I'm free from exams. And worht mention here is that, the guy who supposedly reads my fortune (Today's Fortune column :)) has been fired, is getting married and is on a strike all at the same time for a couple of weeks now :), can't help laughing out loud.

I like listening to music. Actually, I'm so much into it that I try to make out and remember all the lyrics of the songs I like. That has had an adverse affect on my blog, obviously. Whenever I try to write something original, the lyrics closest to the meaning of what I'm trying to write surfaces in my mind and I end up waging a mental war to prevent such lyrics from creeping into my blog. The actual reason behind that temptation is that, it's easier to copy-paste lyrics :).

Recently, I was reminded of the time I went to school in Kurnool. I studied my 1st to 5th grades there. There was this interesting incident which makes me laugh everytime I think about it, although I barely remember it. There were many actually, but this one stood out because I was heroic in it :). 

I guess I was in my 3rd grade or something, I don't remember exactly. Those were the days when I was very gullible and almost a cry-baby :) (C'mon, now, I was just about 8 or something.). So, I used to go to school in an auto-rickshaw (yeah, the ones that are crammed to the brim with school kids :)). So, there was this fellow who was elder to me (was in his 8th grade I guess.), and he was possibly called Sarath. He was like the bully of the worst kind and somehow, he was also good at acads. So, he was the culprit here. He used to tease me a lot. I don't even remember what he used to say. I used to be on verge of tears every single time he started off on me. Feels funny now, if he were aroung now, I'd have simple thrown some profanity and might even have gotten into fisticuffs :).

So, one fine day (or not so fine, I might say :)), the day starte off regularly for me (at least I believe so!). I was on my way to school in the auto (Sarath's house was en route from my home to school) and we had to pick him up after me. Then, he got started. I was on the edge now. And then, we were hardly a couple of blocks away from his place when I was fed up. I'd had enough. I told the driver to stop the auto, got down, picked up my bag and walked away. Not to school, but home :). Ironically, my sis was in the auto and did not oppose to it. When I reached home (oh, I knew the route..), bag and all, my Mum was totally upset, you know, all the stuff of over-reacting and all. I got a long telling-off which I managed to shake off immediately :). The driver of the auto also got a good tell-off. Then, it was the turn of Sarath. I made sure he got told off by his Dad :).

One good thing about this incident was that I became strong after this happened. Not that, Sarath was still teasing me, he'd stoped doing that (not on purpose, at least). I never tried such hare-brained stunt again, though. It was an intersting experience though. I still do that, if I don't like something, I just try to change it, if not, I move away from it.

I still don't know why I suddenly "felt like" sharing, but it was fun indeed!

P.S.: Well, let's hope that India is set free from the clasps of terrorists. I convey my deepest condolences to those who lost their lives in the Mumbai attacks last night. May their souls rest in peace, God grant their families strength. I hope as always, this is the last terrorist attack that happens in the world. And hats-off to all the police force and military for keeping us safe.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah..i too face such a situation where in if i don like something...i try to change it...else move away from it..implicit reactions u c !:p
