Sunday, November 30, 2008

Me v/s Ignorance

People tell me 'Ignorance is bliss', and for once, I would like to take their word for it. Ignorance indeed seems to be bliss. I am the kind of person who believes in knowledge for the sake of knowledge. That is, the only reason you can have knowledge is to have it. A bit confusing, I know, but it's easy to get over. Why do we study? (Study, as in, acquire knowledge...) You may have several reasons, but, for me, it's just one... I want to be knowledgable. Period. Let me give you examples. I am very knowledgable about medicine (thanks to Robin Cook and Michael Crichton, besides that, if I'm interested about something, I look it up on the Internet...). So much so that, I could get into a decent level of talk with a doctor about any kind of medical procedure. Then, there is law. I can reel off legal procedures in the US in my sleep (thanks to John Grisham and the Internet again...). Not that I'm compaining or bragging, but it certainly is discomfiting.

Recently, I've made an important observation (for me at least). Everything I know, seems to have some use ater some time. I can easily elate after the event that, I needed to know that thing because of this! I can't remember them off-hand, but happens pretty often with me. Some are pretty trivial, but still, my intuition seems to know what I need to know. What disconcerts me is, is it really a good idea to have so much knowledge? I don't know in what kind of situations this knowledge is gonna help me. If I were to guess wildly, I'd say they'll help me in writing a book :). Still, as long as I'm playing "what if", I'd indeed like to have all the knowledge I can get, for the sake of being knowledgable.

I'd like to believe that Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge according to me is more blissful and powerful.

I rest my case :).

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