Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Why do I hurry?? :)

Well, I had a practical exam today. And as always, mine was the last number to be called in for the day. Usually, what happens is, the batches divided to perform experiments overlap, so that, the overall time spent in the lab for the day decreases substantially. Today, however, the exam was conducted as per the actual schedule, which meant I had to wait for about 2 hours more than what I usually do. 

Naturally for me, I was not so comfy about waiting all the time. People around me, my classmates of course, were in some different world, trying to remember all the stuff for the exam at the last moment. I, eventually, was the only one in a hurry to enter the lab and get done with the exam. 

Then, a friend of mine asked me: "Why are you always in a hurry, dude??".

I was not expecting such a question from him, actually. He paused his preparation for a moment and explained to me the following things:

  • I always finish my exams long before the prescribed time.
  • I cannot wait to enter the theatre when the usher doesn't allow people to enter still.
  • I always hurry to the labs, even when it is just to practice
Then I decided, let's discuss this. I hurry because I hate wasting time, period. I hate to wait to get into exam hall, even to get out of the same. Simple thing, guys, I like to finish things as fast as possible, who doesn't?? I faced some glares from people about it, 

"How can you perceive exams as waste of time??". was the question. I said, 

"Well, look at it this way, I don't give a damn about the grades I get, only as long as I'm enjoying the exam."

After this conversation, we were called in for the exam and it went well.

Then I started thinking, does this habit of mine - hurry - have any serious consequence in my life?? The answer, I'm not clear yet, is may be, a yes.

Here I am, trying to save time and getting grades I get now (my classmates are well aware of my grades.), and at the other end, people try to "utilise" all the time available and getting better grades :) (Not that I care about it...).
Besides that, I never found anything wrong with it. It actually makes you stand apart from the crowd :).

So, I decided, I'm going to hurry wherever and whenever possible for the rest of my life and keep rocking.

Gotta hurry guys, Keep Hurrying up!! 

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