Sunday, November 2, 2008

I've Started Blogging... :) :)... What's it take, huh??

Hi everyone,

This is the first time I've tried to make a blog...And well, I've even lost my patience already, I have thoughts, yes sir, but then, putting them into words is indeed something different...

Actually, the name of the blog does reflect what I feel about this blog, I've asked myself this question everytime I've read someone else's blog, indeed
What's it take??

  • to create an new blog?
  • to maintain it properly?
  • to...I've not even framed my questions properly as you can see...

Let's face it, ok... It first takes a lot of patience (which I'm quite short of)

I'm just planning to share my views about things I face and feel... And I have decided, come what may, I'll definitely maintain this blog for long... Just keep reminding me about it... :)

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