Monday, November 10, 2008

Is anything impossible??

Fine, here I am with another post, in spite of having exams. :)

First of all I'd like to wish all my friends, having exams, luck. Give it your best shot. Don't take any pressure. :)

So, what is impossible??

Is it when something that cannot be done within the boundaries of common sense? Or, is it a situation where we give up all hope and try to get away from it with an excuse??

I'll give you my views... These are mine alone and most importantly, in case you don't like them, no offence...

Well, according to me, Nothing is Impossible (and in case I can't do something, it means "nothing" to me :), just kidding..). So, why is it that I took up such a deep topic? I've met people. As many people as there are around me. What I've noticed is, most people are so prejudiced that, you cannot make them believe anything that's even slightly out of the ordinary (now that's a perception issue, I agree..). 

Why do people have trouble believing in fantastic stuff? (No, I'm not talking about Magic Wands and Spells. :)) Had this been the case with old people (I consider even middle-aged people old..), I wouldn't have minded (and WHOOOSSHHH.. this post wouldn't even exist...). But, I've met people who are young who don't like to believe in stuff. For instance, if I go and tell the fellow that, "Hey, did you know, Intel has developed a 80 core processor for research purposes?", the first reply I get is, "C'mon, that's impossible... Someone bluffed you..". On the other hand, I who have seen the news release on the very web-site of Intel, feel.. I dunno..wierd... Let me describe the feeling to you... I'll try my best, you start to hate the person so much and at the same time, feel pity on them. It's a pretty complicated feeling see.. Now, the reasons. It's a simple truth that most of us fail to acknowledge, We are afraid of change. Here we are, in a world where things change every hour, every minute, every second, and yet, some of us find it hard to believe in those changes? I leave you guys to plough out the reasons(Let me know if you find some credible ones..). I read this beautiful thing from Through the Looking Glass.. (not again, huh?? :)). It's an exchange between Alice and the Red Queen...

"I'm just one hundred and one, five months and a day."
"I can't believe that!" said Alice.
"Can't you?" the Queen said in a pitying tone. "Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes."
Alice laughed. "There's not use trying," she said: "one can't believe impossible things."
"I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

Isn't it just wonderful, the way you start beliveing things which seem impossible? Doesn't mean you make dreams your masters though (as Rudyard Kipling beautifully puts in his poem If ). So, here's the deal guys, let's start doing this ASAP. Let's start believing in what defies common sense.. Because, we are the ones who're gonna shape the future, and we are the only ones who can make it as beautiful and wonderful. Simple, keep dreaming and work for it (Now, that's important too! :)). Who knows, may be you(or may be I, :)) could be the next great scientist to put forward some theory that defies common sense! Let's all start believing that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!! And let's rock the future... It's all our's see...

All The Best for your Exams once again :).

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