Sunday, November 2, 2008

Live your life when you are alive...

Well, I don't know why, but it feels much better doing this than preparing for tomorrow's exam. I'm good at the subject though...

A thought just crept into my mind, about people who try to live others' lives. The world is full of such people (In case you haven't encountered such people, beware, you might be one of them..).

See guys, you get this life just once, face it, period. You don't owe anyone here, anything. No favours, no obligations. Anything you do must be only because you want to do it... There you go, I read this little quote,

Live life to it's fullest...cos u r never gonna get out of it alive!!!

and I thought, how true... Seriously, just answer this to yourself, how many of us live the dreams of our parents, teachers and distant relatives (what irony..). I have a couple of songs to mention regarding this, "Be Somebody" by Fort Minor and "It's My Life" by Bon Jovi...They've indeed changed my perspective.

Live your life yourself, take your own decisions, listen to your heart and intuition, they're always right. Remember, you can never join the dots forward unless you are not human... For more details about this, click here.. the dots can only be joined backward, so just be yourself. And, yes never ever hesitate to be what you are, because you cease to exist, the moment you are ashamed of yourself...

Bon Jovi in "It's My Life" says,

"It's my life... It's now or never...I ain't gonna live forever...I just wanna live when I'm alive..."

indeed, it feels pretty true, and it is , take my word for it...(only if you want to of course :))

And for people who try to live others' lives, 

Guys, please, you get your life only once, if you've blown your chance, it's not the fault of your kids or sub-ordinates, they get their life only once too, let them face it and be what they want to be... No offence, but still, it doesn't cease to be the truth nevertheless...

Another thing, there are no accidents.. no co-incidences.. just take whatever life gives you.. I've actually experienced this, even the silliest things you do might help you someday.. Just follow your whims (no the all bad ones... ;)). Be reasonable and BE YOURSELF... 

P.S.: Man, I never knew I could write so well, and patiently... :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey dude. welcome to blogosphere :).. that was a nice one! hope to see many more posts like this. Keep 'em on.
