Thursday, November 6, 2008

RIP - Michael Crichton, We'll miss you..

A set of scientists, a lawyer and an enterprenuer visionary  getting down from an SUV...

The scene is set in a lonesome looking not-so-special island, with everyone wondering what the trip is all about..

Then comes the surprise, beginning with a set of thumping sounds...

All the group looks up, their hearts skip a beat... They are actually witnessing a Dinosaur!!

I simply cannot forget the delightful feeling I had when I first saw this scene, and I'm sure none of us can. In case you haven't guessed yet, this is from the legendary movie "Jurassic Park". Combined with the excellent skills of Speilberg, the plot of the story doesn't fail to capture anyone's imagination..

Few people know that, behind such a great movie, there is an author, who single-handedly was responsible for such a beautiful plot and characters...

A giver of many such thrills and original, ingenious plots, Michael Crichton, is no more. I, for one, am a big fan of his works, right from his first novel "The Andromeda Strain". I've followed virtually every book he's written. This post is dedicated to the creativity, ingenuity and moral values of such a great author.

Going through some of his Obits on the internet, I found this very fitting phrase... 

"America loses its moral technologist: Michael Crichton."

I, personally, owe a lot to this author. He (along with Richard Feynman, of course) was responsible for my interests in Quantum Mechanics. He also broadened my horizons to every field, right from biology, biometrics, genetics and what not? Even environmentalism...

The major distinguishing thing in all his books is the fast pace, sci-fi themes, human errors in technology and moral issues of science and research..

I've noticed that, in all his books, there a exists a central figure - a visionary genius, who drives the world around him with his unique vision. Be it, John Hammond from Jurassic Park, Harry Adams of Sphere, Dr.Jeremy Stone of The Andromeda Strain, Robert Doniger of Timeline or Richard Levine of The Lost World.. I have drawn inspiration from every one of them and thank Crichton a lot for all the insights he provided.

Actually, I've been nursing a dream eversince I heard the story of how Arthur Clarke inspired Tim Berners-Lee to invent the Internet through his short story. I wanted my name to be taken that way with Michael Crichton. Indeed, he inspired me a lot through his works... especially Timeline.

I just wanna say that, wherever you are, sir, you will be remembered forever for your great imaginative works and your moral philosophies... I will miss you, though you;ll live on through your works...

May Your Soul Rest in Peace...

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